Events at Heligan

Featured Events

  1. Heligan Night Garden Fungi

    Heligan Night Garden

    • 15 Nov - 4 Jan

    Discover the Heligan Night Garden and become immersed in an enchanting lantern experience, set amidst the atmospheric Lost Gardens. Various dates through November, December and January. 

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Evening Events
  1. Lost Supper 2023

    Lost Supper: Harvest

    • 25 Oct

    Join us for a cosy evening by the log burner, under the twinkly lights, as we celebrate this Harvest time. Our chefs will be showcasing the produce of this Autumnal month, with root vegetables, potatoes, squash, pumpkins, onions, windfall apples and pears as well as our own rare breed meat.

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  2. Biofluorescence Heligan

    Biofluorescent Walks - Fully Booked

    • 30 Oct

    Join us for an extraordinary adventure as we explore the fascinating world of biofluorescence. - Please note that this event is now fully booked. 

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  3. Heligan Night Garden Fungi

    Heligan Night Garden

    • 15 Nov - 4 Jan

    Discover the Heligan Night Garden and become immersed in an enchanting lantern experience, set amidst the atmospheric Lost Gardens. Various dates through November, December and January. 

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  4. Heligan Night Garden Winter Lights Mouse Lantern

    Heligan Night Garden - Relaxed Session

    • 20 Dec

    We are very pleased to offer relaxed for those with disabilities or additional needs and may prefer a slightly quieter evening within the magical Heligan Night Garden.

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