What was once lost...
Unearth the story of a Victorian garden in its glory, lost to the brambles of time when its gardeners answered the call to fight for King and country.
... is now found
A chance discovery thirty years ago led to England’s finest garden restoration, in the name of those lost.
...revealing our future
Over 200 acres of historic gardens and estate now await, inspiring all generations as we protect wildlife, support biodiversity and share stories of nature’s regeneration.
Explore the Gardens
Once acting as both a garden for pleasure and a status of wealth, Heligan contains an intricate collection of gardens, each with their own unique plantings and atmosphere.
The Estate
Discover the wildflower meadows, Home Farm inhabitants and wildlife projects from the 200 acre historic estate and woodlands.
Events at Heligan
Sunrise Sessions
- 26 Sep
Every Thursday throughout spring and summer, Heligan will be opening its gates early to allow you to wander at will through our beautiful gardens and ancient Estate.
Garden and Estate Foraging Walks, with Emma the Forager - Fully Booked
- 26 Sep
Join our expert forager for an insightful walk around the beautiful Heligan garden and estate, to explore the abundance of our hedgerows, and the natural habitats around us. Please note that this event is now fully booked.
Sunday Roasts at Heligan
- 6 Oct, 13 Oct, 20 Oct, 27 Oct, 3 Nov, 10 Nov, 17 Nov, 24 Nov
Sunday Roast lunches will return to the Heligan Kitchen this winter. You're invited to join us to enjoy a homemade roast, comprising of the finest Heligan reared meat and local produce.