Hairy mushroom so rare it’s kept in cage is protected by Wildlife and Countryside Act

  • 1st Nov 2022

The rare bearded tooth fungus (Hericium erinaceus) is also known as Lions Mane Mushroom. This fungus has a tufty beard-like appearance, and has been found at The Lost Gardens of Heligan at our record-breaking bug hotel, 'Bugginhum Palace'.

The fungus was originally a UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species, it is now listed as a Species of Principal Importance in England. It grows on beech, oak and birch trees and is famed around the world as a miracle memory medicine. We are thrilled to have two examples of Bearded tooth fungi fruiting here in Buggingham Palace. It is incredibly rare in the UK and therefore, is legally protected from intentional picking uprooting or destruction under in Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981).

The team hopes that by keeping the fungus in a cage we've given it the best chance of producing spores. 

You can read more about the fungus on The Independent and Wales online sites. 

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